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Social Media Contests & Programs

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20 apartment party results - showing 16 - 20  
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Felicia Norman
Written by Felicia Norman  On  July 27, 2011   4911   2
August 16th is National Tell a Joke Day
Knock Knock. Who's there? NATIONAL TELL A JOKE DAY THAT'S WHO! Hope you're doing your research to find the perfect joke to share on National Tell a Joke Day! Turn this wonderful holiday into a contest for your residents. You have several options for how to share jokes but my favorite would be a Facebook Joke Contest! On National Tell a Joke Day, have your residents post and vote (with the "like" button) on their favorite joke. This is a great way to drive some traffic to your fan page and have a good laugh while you're at it. Set up some rules (only appropriate jokes, no naughty ones...etc...) and spread the word to pump up excitement. Offer some sort of prize, maybe a giftcard, free dinner, jester's hat...something for the best joke of the day! You can enjoy this event in other...
4.5 (2)
Felicia Norman
Written by Felicia Norman  On  June 22, 2011   6841   6
Daily Bingo and Trivia
Hand out bingo cards to your residents or have them available in the office for pick up for those who would like to participate. Then, everyday, post a number on Facebook or mass email the bingo numbers, or post them somewhere where residents would see them (maybe close to the mailboxes). When someone gets a BINGO, give out small door prizes or any other awards that you feel are appropriate. This is a great way to get people involved in your community. By having them utilize your Facebook Page for a game, they will also have access to it for other events and notifications you plan to post. If you would like a daily game, you could also use this for Trivia and have smaller prizes for those who participate! The inspiration for this event came from Verla Shafer, Property...
5.0 (1)
Brent Williams
Written by Brent Williams  On  April 08, 2011   6577   5
Hairstyle Appreciation Day - I'm not making this up
I just learned that yes, April 30th is actually Hairstyle Appreciation Day! I know, how goofy is that? But frankly, goofy ideas often make the best events! So in honor of Hairstyle Appreciation Day, I propose a fun social media program for your apartment community. The plan here is to do a real-life event mixed with a Facebook contest! Before you do anything, think about how you are going to promote your event. Making a couple of Facebook posts will help, and maybe a sign in your office, if you get really industrious! Once you think of a plan to get the word out, try out these steps: First, have all your team members dress up their hair to any style of any generation. This could mean a beehive, a mohawk, or a mullett! Wigs are fine,...
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Donje Putnam
Written by Donje Putnam  On  December 07, 2010   4485   2
Sooooo....anyone else using Facebook Places yet?
I have used could be fun. I had a "charity deal" on it to donate to a pet food bank for anyone who checked in, but no one checked in during the time frame (it was only a couple of days as a test run). You can put limits on your "deals" and I think it will be a great way to cross market with some of your associates if you can get someone to give something of value to your current residents.I know you can use it for future residents pretty easily... you can offer a waived app fee for "checking in" and get a sign that indicates that is available. The more people check in, the more exposure your property gets because it shows up on their personal wall."Check in" and check it out.
4.0 (1)
Milisa Crouch
Written by Milisa Crouch  On  December 01, 2010   6972   6
Resident Portal Bingo
We place a Bingo Number up on your website everyday each month until someone gets a BINGO and that person wins a prize! We do this each month. It keeps residents coming to the website to see what's happening at the community. Only $104 for 9000 cards plus a whole lot more. Keeps residents coming to Resident Portal page EVERYDAY!!! Takes no effort at all...hand out cards and date the a new # each day. EASY!!!!
20 apartment party results - showing 16 - 20  
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