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79 apartment party results - showing 31 - 35  
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 16, 2013   5618   1
Snowflake Creations – A Great Winter Activity
Creating paper snowflakes is a fun activity for just about anyone, and is great for kids as it is almost impossible to go wrong. Cut a few places here, a few places there, and suddenly you have a unique snowflake. It is a great activity to keep the kids occupied during a big holiday party or as a stand-alone activity for kids after school. The basics of creating paper snowflakes is pretty easy, simply folding the paper several times, cutting notches around the edges, and then unfolding the paper. But you can also find all sorts of fun templates for snowflakes online! Here are a few examples we liked! A very cool 3D paper snowflake An entire collection of Starwars snowflake templates Assorted...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  August 18, 2013   8943   2
Icebreaker - The Name Game
One of the major goals of most every apartment party should be to facilitate residents getting to know each other. A free hotdog is nice and all, but free food pales in comparison to forming connections with fellow neighbors when it comes to resident retention. So we want to brainstorm different ways to inspire people to actually interact with others outside of those they came to the party with. There are several “name game” types of activities, and this is just one strategy. The plan is to reward people for getting to know others at the party, and to do so, the game involves testing residents on which names they learned. How to Play: Each attendee gets a nametag with their name on one side and a number on the opposite side. Residents are asked to show their name...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  July 13, 2013   4425   1
Welcome Back Twinkies!
Most of our event and activity ideas have fairly good staying power. Not this one! You have days to have fun with the return of the Twinkies, so have fun with it QUICK! Here are a few ideas to get you going: 1) Replace your office cookies with Twinkies for the week! People will think it is odd and delightful, as they probably haven't had a Twinkie in ages. 2) Replace breakfast on the go with Twinkies on the go! Yes, this is completely impractical as a breakfast, but tell them when they have that afternoon urge to get a snack, they will now be prepared. Something about giving out Twinkies to a line of cars coming out of the community just puts a smile on our faces. 3) Urge the community to get creative with a...
4.5 (2)
Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  June 03, 2013   5957   1
A while back, we shared a goofy party activity where we created a modern day fun house like the old school curved mirrors. Today, we found out about a completely different type of fun house device, called a speech jammer! Basically, it repeats your own speech back to you, which confuses your brain and has a fun side effect of making it really hard to talk. So try setting this up at your community event and record residents trying to speak while it is “jamming” their speech! After doing some research, it seems that the results vary depending on the app used and the person using it. You can search the mobile app store for some options, and here is a Windows version. Here is an example of a guy trying to give a gun...
5.0 (1)
Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  April 02, 2013   9363   3
Party Slide!
I'm somewhat amazed at the improvement in slide technology over the past decade.  And what's great about the party slide is that it is great for kids and adults.  Trust me, your residents of all ages will get plenty of use out of it! What other rent-able pieces of equipment would be a quick party starter?
79 apartment party results - showing 31 - 35  
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