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79 apartment party results - showing 36 - 40  
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  March 19, 2013   4339   1
The Made Up Introduction
No matter how much we wish it was the case, when an apartment community is first finding its way in creating a sense of community, most of the residents won’t know anybody else at a community event. And unlike many multifamily professionals who are unbelievable social butterflies, events like these can be an awkward mess for those that are not as socially adept. Part of the problem is that many people’s lives are fairly mundane – they work in an office job, for example, come home, watch some TV, etc. So until people find those critical commonalities, like they both love crocheting, for example, this event gives them temporary new lives to play with for the night! Basically, when someone comes to the event, you introduce that person to someone already at the event, but rather than, “This is Randy. He’s lived...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  January 08, 2013   5801   0
Searching for an apartment can be hard!  Let us help you de-stress…
We noticed these pictures and thought they would be a fun thing to share in an apartment during an apartment tour.  If you can’t tell from the pictures, those are sheets of bubble wrap that your prospects can play with as they walk around the apartment, gleefully snapping each bubble.  In our many years, we have never run across someone who didn’t like to pop bubble wrap, and we thought this would be a fun way to help prospects remember your apartment community after they have had a long day of searching.
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  November 20, 2012   4691   1
Modern Day Fun House
People can’t avoid interactive silliness, which is why you will see all sorts of people acting like complete weirdo’s in front of a curved mirror at a carnival to make themselves short and fat, tall and skinny, or some other bizarre look. But now you don’t need a giant curved mirror to create your own fun house! Just hook up a webcam, iPad, or some other device that has the ability to manipulate images to a large screen TV for loads of wacky fun at your apartment party. As a side note, if you think these images are completely dumb, remember to see things from the eyes of the person playing with it! When I showed the images to my wife, she just rolled her eyes and thought I was an idiot, but for me, it was absolutely a blast! So even if...
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Felicia Norman
Written by Felicia Norman  On  November 09, 2012   10010   1
Oranges and Pantyhose
This is a great game for kids or gown ups (get out your video recording devices because this is going to be funny!) Here's what you need:2 Oranges and a Pair of Pantyhose for each racer. Here's how to play:Place one orange into the leg of the pantyhose and then tie the pantyhose around the waist of the racer. The orange leg should hang down towards the ground and swing between their legs. Using the "third leg" players tap the second orange on the floor in front of them and race to the finish line. The first player and orange to cross the finish line wins. If you're into football, Play this game at your Citrus Bowl Game watching party!! For Halloween, use small pumpkins instead of oranges. For your back to school party, use Apples! What...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  August 30, 2012   4672   2
School Book Cover Decorating Day:
This is a really simple thing to do with the students in your community. Those school books start coming home around the first week of school and one of the best ways to protect them is with a simple covering made of paper or plastic. There are a variety of items you can gather to help the kids decorate or cover their books. Large Paper bags are great and can be colored on, stickered up, or painted so that each student gets to show their individuality. I found this great article on how to use shopping bags to make a book cover. And you can use these simple directions for making book covers out of almost any material. Link to article:
79 apartment party results - showing 36 - 40  
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