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8 apartment party results - showing 6 - 8  
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Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  April 24, 2012   6573   1
Spring Brunch
This is done in March or April around Easter, and plays on a theme of Easter Eggs. Set up 2 long tables in the clubhouse. Decorate with pastel table coverings and spring colored napkins. Napkins and plates can be placed in a large Easter Basket from the Dollar Store. On the first table, set out the paper goods and plastic ware, and your main dishes (two extra large egg casseroles). On the second table, set out your side dishes (fresh fruit, yogurt with granola, and a large dispenser of juice or punch). Have smaller Easter Baskets placed around the clubhouse willed with candy for the kids. Hide Easter Eggs in a safe common area outside so the kids can have a short egg hunt following the brunch. Make sure you know if your company will allow you to say "Easter"...
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Brent Williams
Written by Brent Williams  On  April 05, 2012   5116   1
Last Minute Easter Egg Event Idea!
This is an activity you could do with the kids of the community, and is really easy to do! You first need to ask your residents to bring an old silk tie in, if they have one. Make sure to go to a thrift store beforehand to find some cheap ones for those that don’t have a silk tie to use. Cut the silk into pieces that can wrap all the way around an egg, so that the pattern is facing the egg, and wrap string around the egg. (Note, I’ve seen some places that recommend wrapping the egg in white cotton fabric, like an old pillow case around the string, but I’m not sure if that is necessary.) Next, boil the eggs in water and ¼ cup white vinegar for 20 minutes. Let them cool and enjoy your...
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Felicia Norman
Written by Felicia Norman  On  March 22, 2011   6471   1
Reverse Easter Egg Hunt!
Hey, why do the kids always get all the fun of finding Easter eggs?!?!? Let's switch it up on them this year and let the kids hide the eggs for the grown-ups!! I would have really enjoyed this as a kid since I was slightly jealous that only adults got to hide the eggs. Here's how I would set this up: 1. Assign each kid who is "hiding" a number. 2. Give them a predetermined amount of plastic eggs to hide. Their number (or name if you skip step 1) will be contained inside the egg. 3. Have the adults find the eggs and turn them back in for recording and counting. 4. GIVE OUT PRIZES!! Assign a prize for First Egg Found, Middle Egg Found, and the Grand Prize for Last Egg Found! (or any other criteria you...
8 apartment party results - showing 6 - 8  
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