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21 apartment party results - showing 21 - 21  
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5.0 (2)
Brent Williams
Written by Brent Williams  On  January 06, 2011   6249   4
Playing cards has a multi-generational appeal, from Bridge with older residents to Texas Hold ‘Em with younger residents, creating a card club is a fantastic way to involve your residents. And what’s best is that it is a recurring event that needs very little upkeep! First, get the ball rolling by setting up a tournament for whatever type of card game you are setting up. This can be done a few different times for different games, and will likely draw in different demographics depending on the game. For the initial tournament, set up prizes and publicize the tournament heavily. Encourage residents to bring outside guests in order to improve marketing efforts, as well! We can probably do a whole discussion on how to run a card tournament, so for now, I’ll limit the details on that front. But suffice it to...
21 apartment party results - showing 21 - 21  
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