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21 apartment party results - showing 16 - 20  
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Felicia Norman
Written by Felicia Norman  On  September 07, 2011   4555   1
National Checkers Day Sept. 23
September 23rd is Checkers Day. So what do you want to be? Red or Black? You'll need lots of checkers boards, Tables, Drinks, Prizes, and some Judges. This day is known as Checkers Day because during a speech to the American people, Richard Nixon mentioned that his daughters were given a dog and they’d named it “Checkers”. In order to celebrate “Checkers Day” have your community hold a Checkers Tournament, and (if you really want to be fancy) have the participants dress up as their favorite controversial political/public figure! You can hold all kinds of small contests throughout the day with this event. For example, how about the Rock Paper Scissor’s Championship; or maybe you can couple this with a your Hot Dog with your Hot Dog celebration. Don’t forget the prizes! Exaggerated trophies for the winners and door...
4.5 (2)
Stephanie Gonzalez
Written by Stephanie Gonzalez  On  May 24, 2011   5940   3
Cooking Classes!
Talk about reaching out to all women! The single that want to impress their significant and the moms looking for the quick meals! This is a hit and you can do it as small or as large as you want. Hire a professional, contact your local Cooking or Culinary School - they are always looking for audiences to place their students in front of, or just have a resident prepare their favorite dinner each week/month. If full plates aren't possible for all guests, just a taste will do! Bon Appetit!
5.0 (2)
Written by Holly Kutz  On  May 19, 2011   6911   2
Memorial Wall
For Memorial Day we chose to honor those who are or have served in the arm forces. We prepared a picture wall of the residents loved ones. Starting on May 1st we have a candle lit during the day to honor each one of arm forces individuals and on Memorial Day we are having a coffee, where the residents can tell about the individual that is on the wall.
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Written by Guest  On  May 03, 2011   3849   2
Coupon Tips and Exchange party
With the economy and all the emphasis on extreme couponing have a monthly gathering to trade coupons, ideas, let each other know of bargins, etc. One persons diaper coupon is another persons pet food savings. Every little bit helps. It builds community, shows caring and concern to help residents meet their financial struggles.
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Written by Lisa Kassoff  On  January 12, 2011   3382   0
I have been working in multi-family housing for many years. My latest experience was a monthly poetry and play reading group. The members chose the plays(usually one acts) and poems they wanted to share with the group. It is a good way to get to know the residents better and to have a creative gathering. Food was brought by the participants. It was on going for ten years until the building was sold.
21 apartment party results - showing 16 - 20  
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