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April Fool's Day

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1 apartment party results - showing 1 - 1  
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Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  February 21, 2011   5156   0
Fool’s Banquet
Use April Fool's Day as an excuse for silly antics at your lunch/dinner event. Or, try it any time of year for a fun twist on a resident meal. Supplies -The book "Hello Cupcake!" by Karen Tack ( or library or Barnes and Noble) -Internet (search April Fool's Day recipes) Food and drinks inspired by silliness Detailed Description Get totally silly by making your dinner look like dessert and your dessert look like dinner at your April Fool's lunch/dinner celebration. Make a shepherd's pie and color the mash potatoes with food coloring to make it look like icing; or use the recipe link below to make a meatloaf cake, or a spaghetti torte! If that weren't enough, make cupcakes that look like corn on the cob, peas and carrots, pizza, and even spaghetti! Your residents will be delighted to giggles. (You don't have to do...
1 apartment party results - showing 1 - 1